Programmable Thermostats are a Great Way to Live More
Comfortably & With Lower Energy Costs

Wouldn’t it be great to save as much as 15% on your energy bill simply by pressing a button or two? Fortunately, that’s exactly what programmable thermostats are designed to do!

A programmable thermostat is computerized, enabling you to control your indoor temperatures using pre-programmed settings. Many models allow you to choose between preset energy-saving programs and designing a customized program yourself. Rather than adjusting your thermostat up or down on a whim, a programmable thermostat is designed to be programmed and then left to do its job.

Tips for Saving Energy Using a Programmable Thermostat

During warmer months, preset the AC temperature 10-15 degrees higher than usual for the hours that you’re away from home. During the winter season, set the furnace temperature to 68 degrees for the hours you’re home. Then program the thermostat to 10-15 degrees cooler overnight or while away from the house. If the temperature setback period lasts for 8 hours, your energy savings can add up to 5-15% of your yearly energy costs.

To get the most out of your programmable thermostat, it’s important to leave the thermostat alone once you’ve selected a program.

The idea is to cut back the amount of money you spend heating or cooling your home when you aren’t home at all, or aren’t occupying certain rooms or zones.  These small adjustments will dramatically reduce your energy costs with little or no sacrifices when it comes to your comfort.

Choosing a Programmable Thermostat That’s Right for You

Programmable thermostats are available in many home improvement stores or online. However these models are often not professional-grade.  By contrast, Absolute Air offers a wide selection of professional-grade programmable thermostats and the expertise to install them correctly and instruct you on how to use them to their full advantage.

Contact us today to schedule installation, and watch how quickly your energy costs start going down.

Click here to request service or for more information


Absolute Air has been a leading provider of Air Conditioning & Heating Services in Kaufman County since 2009.

Absolute Air Air Conditioning and Heating, Air Conditioning Contractor, Kaufman, TX
3443 E. HWY 175, KAUFMAN, TX 75142
(972) 932-5373

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