What does it take to perk you up in the morning?  A cup of coffee, a jog in the park, fresh squeezed orange juice, smell a fresh-cut bouquet of flowers?  We all have our own means of getting into the flow of the day in Kaufman, Forney, and surrounding communities.

But what about your home air conditioning system.  It knows only ONE way to get back up and running to full capacity, and that’s with a multi- point tune-up and inspection.  Your AC system might very well create oasis like conditions in your home, but it’s still only a machine.  A very complex one, mind you, but a machine nonetheless.

And like all machines, it needs regular maintenance to perform at its best.  Especially when you consider that AC systems have an effective lifespan of 10-15 years.

At Absolute Air, we’re heating and air conditioning pros.  Getting your system back in top working order, and keeping it there, is what we do best.  Here are just some of the ways we go about doing that.

  • Clean the outside condenser – We’ll remove leaves, grass, and other piled up debris.
  • Clean the coil – System efficiency stems in large part from a clean condenser boil.
  • Check the refrigerant level – We’ll top it off as necessary.  If the supply is really low, we’ll inspect for leaks.
  • Check the electrical systems – We’ll determine if the compressor is drawing enough electricity; we also check for frayed wiring.
  • Lubricate and inspect the bearings for wear.
  • Tighten all electrical connections.
  • Check all indoor components – These include your filter, thermostat, air handler, and more.

This is just part of the process we employ to help ensure your family’s greater indoor comfort and safety.  To prepare your AC system for another hot Dallas area summer, contact the HVAC professionals at Absolute Air today.



Absolute Air has been a leading provider of Air Conditioning & Heating Services in Kaufman County since 2009.

Absolute Air Air Conditioning and Heating, Air Conditioning Contractor, Kaufman, TX
3443 E. HWY 175, KAUFMAN, TX 75142
(972) 932-5373

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