Replenish Refrigerant

No air conditioner cam work without an adequate amount of refrigerant. When the levels of refrigerant are decreasing and your house or building is cooling as it once was, you can expect to find a leak in the compressor. Once your AC repair man addresses and repairs the leaks, the refrigerant is replenished. This should bring the unit back to proper cooling function.

Replace Capacitors

Capacitors are the bridge that assist various motors in the air conditioning unit to start and run properly. Overtime, they become worn and require replacement to maintain adequate function of an HVAC system. If they are not replaced routinely, it causes the motors to run hotter than normal, causing wear down, which results in a decreased life of the motor.

Clean Coils

The coils on both of the interior and exterior units collect a lot of dust due to an excessive amount of lint, dirt and dust that is in the air. Corrosion of the coils also happens due to chemicals being in the air, which result in a leak. Therefore, the coils should always be cleaned on a regular basis.

Replace or Fix Compressor

The compressor is what works to push the refrigerant throughout the air conditioning unit. When it is not operating properly, refrigerant isn’t being moved through the unit and ultimately prevents the house or building from cooling. Wear and tear, especially in the Texas summer months, can cause the compressor to fail. But it can commonly break down due to the strain of other air conditioner parts.

Replace Condenser Fan

While the compressor works to push the refrigerant through the unit, the condenser works to bring hit into the unit to cool it down. This fan is found on the outside unit, and is clearly subjected to harsh environments, such as severe weather and scorching Texas heat that can cause significant wear and tear. If this fan is not replaced quickly, it can cause problems to occur with the compressor, resulting in more AC repair expenses than necessary.

Replace Thermostat

The thermostat is what allows you to control your desired airflow and temperature in your home or building. It goes without saying that if the thermostat isn’t working or is not functioning properly, it inhibits the ability to allow for or control the airflow. This is actually a common and inexpensive AC repair.

Replace Air Filters

Have you ever had your AC unit freeze up on you? It could be due to your air filters needing to be replaced. Clogged air filters also prevent the proper air flow into and throughout a house. Having a routine schedule of replacing your air filters can eliminate these problems and are a good practice of maintenance to prevent AC repair.

Empty The Condensation Drain

If you have an overflow from your condensation pan, that’s a good indicator that you have a clog that needs to be cleared out. Condensation would generally drip down into a pan that drains out. Clearing out the clogged area and placing it back to its correct position should be the solution to drain issues.

Repair The Defrost Control

If you have ice building up on your unit during the hot Texas climates, there is a problem with your defrost control. The repair or replacement of your defrost control by your AC repair specialist should resolve this problem.

Replace Fuses

The purpose of a fuse on your air conditioning unit is to prevent the system from having an overload. If the unit is old, has poor electrical connections, or even struck by lightening, the fuses may need to be replaced.

Let the HVAC professionals in Forney, TX be of service for all of your AC repairs! Forney may be where we call home, but we go to everyone’s home in the DFW metroplex where there’s a need.

Absolute Air
3443 E. Highway 175
Kaufman, TX 75142

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Absolute Air has been a leading provider of Air Conditioning & Heating Services in Kaufman County since 2009.

Absolute Air Air Conditioning and Heating, Air Conditioning Contractor, Kaufman, TX
3443 E. HWY 175, KAUFMAN, TX 75142
(972) 932-5373

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