How to Clean Up Your Indoor Air.

What if someone were to offer you an opportunity to sit indoors and inhale a steady diet ofindoor such airborne particles as smoke byproducts, formaldehyde, mold and mildew, radon, pesticides, dust and dust mites, glues and adhesives, carbon monoxide, and a host of other well-known and common indoor air pollutants?

Chances are you’d advise that person to schedule a check-up from the neck up.  But not so fast.  Because what that hypothetical person is suggesting in our little experiment here is something you’re probably doing anyway, and without realizing it.

The fact is that across this great nation of ours, indoor air (on average) is twice as polluted as outdoor air, and up to 100 times more polluted.  As such, indoor air pollution is both a leading cause and aggravator of certain types of allergies, asthma, and other upper respiratory ailments.  What’s a concerned home owner to do?  Well, you can continue to sit around and take, or you can take matters into your own hands to kick those stinkin’ pollutants out on their ears.

Here are a few simply and practical ways how:

  • Wash your bed covers once a week, along with sheets and pillow cases, to keep your dust population to a bare minimum.
  • If you’re prone to dust allergies, purchase plastic covers for your mattress and box spring. Dust and dust mites just love the warm, nurturing atmosphere of unprotected bedding.
  • Not quite the “green thumb” type? You’d be amazed at how easy it is to learn, especially once you realize that certain types of house plants permanently remove bacteria and viruses from the air.  This impressive list of natural air cleaners includes:  Aloe, Spider plants, Gerber daisies, Weeping Fig, and many others.
  • Leave your shoes – along with all the bad stuff on their soles – at the door. That will prevent you from traipsing dirt and pollutants like pesticides and pollen all over your house.
  • Swap out your vacuum cleaner for one with a HEPA filter that traps dust, dirt, and other particles vs. releasing them back into the air.
  • Don’t let anyone smoke inside your house – PERIOD!
  • Start using green cleaning products made from all-natural ingredients.

For more far-reaching results, contact Absolute Air and ask about our indoor air quality solutions, starting with a whole-house air purifier that removes more than 99% of airborne particles during AC or heating system operation.  We can install one inside your ductwork where the system’s filter will trip the particles before they can ever make their way into your living spaces.

Why not make today the day you declare:  “No more poor indoor air quality for me!”



8 Tips for Your Healthier Home

We all strive to make our homes as healthy and safe as possible. But knowing that, on average, indoor air is 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air can take some of the air out of your sail. But don’t give up just yet. Here are 8 changes you can make today that will help control the pollen, mold, dust, and other contaminants that are trying to invade your home and body.

  1. Mature woman portraitKeep a barrier between you and your bedding. Put zippered dust and dust mite proof cases on your pillows and mattress that prevent even the tiniest of particles from getting through.
  1. Use a HEPA filtered vacuum cleaner. While vacuuming picks up dirt and dust, it can also send those tiny particles back into the air, unless you use a HEPA filter.
  1. Change the vacuum filter. A vacuum filter is only good if it’s clean, so change it every 6 months or so or as soon as it starts showing wear and tear.
  1. Replace your HVAC filters regularly. HVAC filters not only help keep your heating and air systems running efficiently, they help keep pollutants and contaminants out of the air. So replace those filters at least every 3 months.
  1. Ventilate your bathroom properly. First, make sure your bathroom exhaust fan is vented to the outdoors. Then, run it anytime you take a bath or shower to help remove moisture from the room. Leave it running for a few minutes after you’re done, as well.
  1. Keep your gutters clear. Clogged and leaky gutters can allow moisture to enter your home and lead to mold growth and structural damage. Inspect your gutters year round and clean as needed.
  1. Purge textiles in your bedroom and living room. Area rugs, throws, blankets, and upholstered furniture all trap dust and are perfect breeding grounds for dust mites. Keep them to a minimum for a healthier home, and frequently clean the ones you have.
  1. Follow your nose. If an area of your home smells musty, don’t ignore it. Get to the source of the problem to reduce the spread and damage that mold can cause.

Another key to maintaining a healthy home is having your heating and cooling systems professionally cleaned and inspected once a year by the home comfort professionals at Absolute Air. Your filters are part of the inspection process, but so is every other system component – places where dust, dirt, bacteria, mold, mildew and other pollutants frequently gather. We can also help keep your house pollutant free, all year long, by installing a whole-house air purifier. For more information or to request a free in-home consultation, call or click for Absolute Air today.

The Top 5 Benefits of Air Duct Cleaning

blogWhen it comes to cleaning your house, the easy way out is to clean only what you can see. Not that there’s anything all that easy about house cleaning, mind you, but when time is short, you at least want the end result to be pleasing to the eye. Especially if company is on its way over.

And while shortcuts can often be very useful, nothing is ever truly clean until it’s entirely clean. But even that can’t be accomplished unless you know where to look, including inside your air ducts. On second thought, never mind – we’ll save you the trouble. Because if your air ducts have not been cleaned for as long as you can remember, trust us, you don’t want to look inside them. The sight can be truly appalling, an unhealthy concoction of some or all of the following:

  • Dirt
  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • Mold
  • Mildew
  • Pet hair
  • Rodent feces

And then there’s all that other stuff you couldn’t see even if you wanted to, including:

  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Smoking by-products
  • By-products from cleaning products and other invisible home improvement products, like formaldehyde from new carpeting

Like we said, it’s not a very pretty picture. But it can be with professional duct cleaning services from Absolute Air. And here are 5 good reasons why you should call to schedule today:

  • Keeps the pollutants inside your ductwork from being blown back into your living spaces by your heating and cooling system fans
  • Removes numerous known causes and irritants for allergy and asthma sufferers
  • Helps improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling systems
  • Helps lower your energy costs
  • Helps simplify the rest of your house cleaning chores

How often should you have your ducts cleaned? At least every four years. So if it’s been longer than that, we encourage you to contact Absolute Air today from prompt service and dependable results.

How to De-humidify Your Home in Forney and Crandall

What if we told you we’ve discovered to de-humidify the outdoor air?  Well, even if we did, we’d be lying.  Sorry if we just caused a mild adrenaline rush.lady

And yet, we do have the next best thing to offer you:  a whole-house de-humidifier so you can leave the humidity outdoors and step inside a whole new version of your home.  One with just the right level of relative humidity, one that you can change up or down at will, and all for your added comfort through the dog days of summer.

It does the exact opposite of a whole-house humidifier (which we also service, repair, and install):  it removes excess levels of humidity so you can feel cooler and more comfortable at higher temperature settings.  That, in turn, leads to a nice reduction in AC energy costs.

Here’s what else you can look forward to with reduced indoor humidity levels this summer:

  • No swollen doors, wood floors, or anything else made of wood
  • Tremendous relief for allergy and asthma sufferers
  • Easier-to-manage hair
  • A reduced likelihood of mold and mildew formation
  • Reduced build-up of dust
  • Less chance for rust in corrosion in your home electronics

To find out more about how a whole-house de-humidifier can benefit your home, family, and budget, contact Absolute Air today.

How to Add Moisture to Your Home in Kaufman and Crandall

One of the things that makes the winter blues even bluer is the dry, itchy skin that often comes along for the ride.

It’s easily explained, in that your home heating system makes for drier indoor air, and drier air leads to dry skin, hair, and more.  But “easily explained” doesn’t make it any more fun to deal with.  Speaking of no fun, here’s what else dry indoor can cause:Absolute Air

  • Shrinking and cracked wood floors, furniture, picture frames, etc.
  • Shock from static electricity
  • Frizzy, unmanageable hair
  • Cracked lips
  • Bloody noses

Even worse, dry air can cause or worsen existing problems with asthma, bronchitis, and other upper respiratory issues.

Well, while we may not have one magic cure-all for the winter blues, we can give you a few practical suggestions for adding moisture to your home throughout the duration of the heating season:

  • Instead of putting all your washed clothes in the drier, hang some of them up to dry indoors.
  • While you’re baking something in the oven, place a large pan of water on the stove. It can’t help but warm up, gradually evaporate, and add some much-needed moisture to your air.
  • If you have floor vents or baseboard units, place a bowl of water on or right nearby each one. Once again, the water will gradually evaporate and help eliminate a good chunk of the dryness.
  • Buy some house plants, or add to your existing collection. They represent a natural means to humidify the air around you.

For a more global solution, contact Absolute Air for air conditioning services crandall TX and ask about a whole-house humidity control system, one that adds much needed moisture to your home during the winter, and then extracts excess humidity while your AC system is running.  That way, you’ll feel considerably better and more comfortable all year long, and you’ll save money on your home heating and cooling costs.  For more information and a free quote for air conditioner installation in crandall, contact Absolute Air today.

How to Improve the Quality of Your Indoor Air in Rockwall

You know how we always tend to first take care of things around the house that we can see? Like scuffed walls that need to be painted? A downspout that’s come loose from the gutter? Or a shrubbery bed overrun with weeds?

By that standard, it’s really too bad that air, for the most part, is invisible. Because if you could see even just some of the stuff that you’re breathing in, day in and day out, you’d do something about it in a hurry.Absolute Air

But see it or not, that “stuff” is there nonetheless. In fact, it’s estimated that across the US, indoor air is twice as polluted as the air outdoors. What can you do about it? Actually, all kinds of things and here is just a small sampling:

  • Don’t smoke indoors. Tobacco smoke contains thousands of indoor pollutants and, because smoke rises, it can land in your ducts and then get blown back into your home each time the furnace or AC fan is on.
  • Cut down on the use of harsh, chemically laden cleaning products are any that have strong fragrances. Better yet, stop using them all together and shop instead for “low-emitting” products. Or, you can make your own out of such everyday household ingredients like vinegar and baking soda.
  • Buy machine washable bedding and wash your comforters, sheets, and all the rest often to kill and cut back on the accumulation of dust and dust mites.
  • Replace your vacuum cleaner with one that contains HEPA filter to trap dust and dirt and instead of spewing at least some of it all around your home.
  • Have everyone, friends and neighbors including, take off their shoes as soon as entering your home. Shoe bottoms are the unwitting transporters of all kinds of pollutants into your home, including dust, dirt, pollen, pesticides, and more.
  • Treat yourself to some new house plants, especially those known for their propensity to kill airborne bacteria and other pollutants. Plants like Boston Ferns, Chinese Evergreens, Crotons, and Arrowhead Vines are ideally suited to the task.

For a more global solution, contact Absolute Air today and ask about a whole-house air purifier: the kind that can and does trap 99.7% of airborne pollutants attempting to pass through the system’s filter. They’re easy to install, easy to maintain, and work wonders in helping every member of your family breathe a whole lot easier indoors.


Absolute Air has been a leading provider of Air Conditioning & Heating Services in Kaufman County since 2009.

Absolute Air Air Conditioning and Heating, Air Conditioning Contractor, Kaufman, TX
3443 E. HWY 175, KAUFMAN, TX 75142
(972) 932-5373

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