Programmable Thermostat Kaufman

Programmable Thermostats are a Great Way to Live More
Comfortably & With Lower Energy Costs

Wouldn’t it be great to save as much as 15% on your energy bill simply by pressing a button or two? Fortunately, that’s exactly what programmable thermostats are designed to do!

A programmable thermostat is computerized, enabling you to control your indoor temperatures using pre-programmed settings. Many models allow you to choose between preset energy-saving programs and designing a customized program yourself. Rather than adjusting your thermostat up or down on a whim, a programmable thermostat is designed to be programmed and then left to do its job.

Tips for Saving Energy Using a Programmable Thermostat

During warmer months, preset the AC temperature 10-15 degrees higher than usual for the hours that you’re away from home. During the winter season, set the furnace temperature to 68 degrees for the hours you’re home. Then program the thermostat to 10-15 degrees cooler overnight or while away from the house. If the temperature setback period lasts for 8 hours, your energy savings can add up to 5-15% of your yearly energy costs.

To get the most out of your programmable thermostat, it’s important to leave the thermostat alone once you’ve selected a program.

The idea is to cut back the amount of money you spend heating or cooling your home when you aren’t home at all, or aren’t occupying certain rooms or zones.  These small adjustments will dramatically reduce your energy costs with little or no sacrifices when it comes to your comfort.

Choosing a Programmable Thermostat That’s Right for You

Programmable thermostats are available in many home improvement stores or online. However these models are often not professional-grade.  By contrast, Absolute Air offers a wide selection of professional-grade programmable thermostats and the expertise to install them correctly and instruct you on how to use them to their full advantage.

Contact us today to schedule installation, and watch how quickly your energy costs start going down.

Click here to request service or for more information

Indoor Air Quality Tips for Kaufman Home Owners

Here’s a pretty scary statistic, but true nonetheless:  the air inside your home, school or office is typically 2-5 times more polluted than the air outside. In fact, indoor air pollution may just be the cause of the colds or allergies that frequent your Kaufman home.

Unfiltered or poorly filtered air can cause or aggravate up to half of all illnesses, especially anything to do with your respiratory system. Changing the filter in your furnace or air conditioner monthly can help alleviate indoor air pollution, but sometimes that’s just not  enough.

Clear the air.

Dust mites, bacteria, mold, pollen, dander and other airborne particles are some of the most common pollutants that fill air inside your home. Installing a whole-house electronic air clean things up, and keep them clean.

The specifics.

An air cleaner works by drawing air through a set of ionized wires or needles that electrically charge the particles in the air. The air then passes by a set of electrically charged metal plates before traveling through your ductwork. This causes the particles to stick to the metal plates, much like static causes clothing to stick together.

This air-cleaning technology is extremely efficient. So efficient, in fact, that instead of having to change or clean your system’s air filter every month, 3-6 months will do the trick.

Take a deep breathe…

…and contact Absolute Air for the right indoor air quality solution for your home and family health needs.  After all, it’s one thing to comfortable indoor temperatures.  It’s quite another to do so without worrying about what’s entering your lungs.

Click here to request service or for more information

Carbon Monoxide Safety in Kaufman

Most people have more questions than answers about carbon monoxide (CO):  what causes, just how serious is the risk, and what’s the most effective means of early detection.

To understand the national scope of CO poisoning, here are some facts and figures from National Fire Protection Agency:

  • People with a limited ability to use oxygen are at a greater risk of CO poisoning.  That includes infants, pregnant women, and anyone with a respiratory disorder.
  • A person can be poisoned by a small amount of CO over a longer period of time or by a large amount of CO over a shorter amount of time.
  • In 2010, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated 80,100 non-fire calls during which carbon monoxide was detected.  The number of calls increases every year, but that’s likely due to the growing number of home CO detectors.

Carbon monoxide can be caused by any fuel burning device, and not just your home heating system.  One way to minimize the problem is to make sure you never operate such equipment in unvented spaces, as carbon monoxide needs an outlet to escape you home to avoid doing you any harm.

You can’t smell or otherwise detect carbon monoxide on your own.  Which means one of two things can happen should a leak occur.  First, you will start to experience such symptoms as  dizziness, nausea, headache, and shortness of breath.  Or, you can install one or more hard-wired vs. battery-operated CO detectors in your home before this deadly gas has a chance to cause you harm.

The Benefits of Low Level CO Detectors.

Hard-wired, low-level CO detectors are much better suited to ensuring your family’s safety than the battery-operated models available at your local home improvement center.

Retail store model don’t trigger the alarm until CO levels hit 70 parts per million…and by that time, damage can already have occurred.  By contrast, low-level detectors – the kind available at and installed by Absolute Air – trigger at only about 100 parts per million, giving you plenty of time to open windows, evacuate your home, and call your local fire department.

Prevention IS the Cure

Another way Absolute Air can help ensure your family’s greater health and safety is with our multi-point heating system tune-up and inspection, which includes checking for gas and carbon monoxide leaks.  Contact us today to schedule service:  after all, that’s what we’re here for.




Absolute Air has been a leading provider of Air Conditioning & Heating Services in Kaufman County since 2009.

Absolute Air Air Conditioning and Heating, Air Conditioning Contractor, Kaufman, TX
3443 E. HWY 175, KAUFMAN, TX 75142
(972) 932-5373

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