Ceiling fans aren’t just for decoration; they can dramatically help reduce the cost of cooling and heating your Forney or Kaufman home and, in the process, increase your year-round comfort levels.  And it all starts with taking greater advantage of or installing a new a multi-speed reversible ceiling fan in one or more rooms in your home.

Turn on the savings.cool

Proper and consistent use of a ceiling fan you to set the thermostat between 1 and 3 degrees higher in the summer months while enjoying the same level of comfort you’re accustomed to.  And that change alone can cut your home cooling energy costs by up to 40%, depending on how many fans you have running and for how many hours during the day.  Oh, and in case you’re wondering.  The projected savings include even the electricity used to operate your fan:  pretty cool, huh?  That’s because a ceiling fan uses the same amount of electricity as a 100 watt light bulb.

Tips for maximizing your ceiling fans this summer:

  • Only turn on the ceiling fan while you’re in the room.
  • Make sure the fan blades are turning in the proper direction. For summertime, the breeze from the fan should blow straight downward.
  • Choose a fan speed that properly suits the room.
  • When installing a new fan, be sure to ask the sales associate about the proper fan blade length for the room where you intend to use it. Different blade lengths are intended to cool rooms of different sizes. The fan also should be installed no more than 9 feet above the floor; so, you may need to install a drop-rod for the fan if you have high ceilings.
  • Choose a high-efficiency or Energy-star rated model to attain even greater cost savings.
  • To maximize the warming effects of your ceiling in the winter, reverse the direction of the fan. This causes the fan to circulate the warm air from the ceiling back down into your living quarters.

At Absolute Air, we’re absolutely concerned with your family’s total indoor comfort while working just as hard to help you cut your energy dependency and costs.  Contact us today for any home heating, air conditioning, or indoor air quality need.

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For your high-quality ac repair services, Absolute Air is the name you can trust. Our Air Conditioning Repair in Forney TX and air conditioning repair Terrell Texas service is second to none, and go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction at all times.


Absolute Air has been a leading provider of Air Conditioning & Heating Services in Kaufman County since 2009.

Absolute Air Air Conditioning and Heating, Air Conditioning Contractor, Kaufman, TX
3443 E. HWY 175, KAUFMAN, TX 75142
(972) 932-5373

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