10 Tools Every Home Owner Should Have in Terrell & Kaufman

blogAt a bare minimum, every home has some type of tool box or loose collection of miscellaneous screwdrivers, drill bits, loose nails, and what have you. If you’re lucky, you might even find a set of pliers. But when the front door starts squeaking or your kitchen faucet starts leaking, will you have the right tools on hand to fix those minor repairs, or will you be paying a handyman to fix them for you?

Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or don’t know a hammer from a putty knife, here are 10 tools that every homeowner should have to tackle those little projects that pop up along the way.

  1. Plunger. Actually, two. A cup shaped plunger for unclogging sinks and a flange plunger for toilets.
  2. Tape measure. Opt for a minimum 25 footer. Useful for measuring everything from room size, to furniture, to molding.
  3. One or more flashlights. Not only are they a must for power outages, but helpful when you need to get into the attic or crawlspace.
  4. A 4-in-1 screwdriver. That way, you’ll almost always have the right style and size handy with removable bits.
  5. Hammer. For most around-the-house jobs, a lightweight finish hammer with a curved claw will do just fine.
  6. Electric stud finder. Eliminates the guesswork when you’re hanging heavy objects, or when you want to avoid hitting a stud.
  7. A level. If you can, splurge on a laser level, especially if you frequently hang objects like artwork and picture frames.
  8. Putty knife. Perfect for not only spreading paste and spackle, but for scraping glues and paints off surfaces.
  9. Adjustable wrench. Loosen (or tighten) nuts without stripping them like pliers would.
  10. Pliers. A basic plier will help you hold objects firmly, as well as pull, pinch, or bend metal.

Now, let’s see, exactly what kind of tool should you keep handy for cleaning and inspecting your furnace or air conditioning system? Truth be told, it’s not a tool you need for those tasks, but a heating and cooling professional you can depend on for your family’s greater indoor comfort and energy savings. In and around Terrell & Kaufman, more and more careful homeowners are choosing Absolute Air. We hope you’ll do the same.

Furnace Cleaning & Inspection in Forney & Rockwall

Most everyone would agree that an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure. This is precisely why we get regular check-ups and dental cleanings, and perform routine maintenance on our cars.

But surprisingly, when it comes to protecting their biggest investment, many homeowners tend to forget this old adage and rarely – if ever – have their home heating system cleaned and inspected. Perhaps it’s all about “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”?  Or maybe some folks just don’t know how truly important it is to have this service performed every year.  Not just for the sake of the system’s ability to heat your home, but for reasons of health and safety, too.

 absolute air

So if it’s been a while since you’ve had a licensed home heating technician make sure your heating equipment is in tip top shape, here are 5 reasons to make that appointment today.

  1. Cleaner indoor air. As your heating equipment sits dormant during the warm months, it accumulates dirt and dust. And that dirt and dust, along with allergens and even mold spores, can get pushed out into your living space through air vents and registers.
  1. Your family’s safety. A cracked heat exchanger can release dangerous levels of carbon monoxide into your home, putting your family at risk for CO poisoning.
  1. Increased energy efficiency. A clean furnace with well-lubricated parts operates more efficiently to keep you and your family at optimum comfort levels, which means less energy used and more money saved on heating costs.
  1. Extended operating life. The average furnace is built to last 15 years, but one that is properly cleaned and tuned up on a regular basis can last even longer.
  1. Fewer system breakdowns. An annual pre-season inspection can turn up problem areas and worn components that, if taken care of now, can minimize or eliminate potentially costly repairs later on.

Yes, It’s still September, and yes, there’s still plenty of warm weather left before the colder stuff arrives.  But that’s precisely what makes this the best time of year for annual preventative maintenance; as in, get the work done now so you’ll have no interruption in your heating service later on.

Today, we invite you to call Absolute Air to help turn your home into a more comfortable, energy efficient, and safer environment for your entire family. Call for Air conditioning services in forney TX.

5 Tips for Self-Improvement in Ways in Kaufman & Crandall

To-Do List Be Better Words Dry Erase BoardWhich would you like first, the good news or the bad news?

Well, since most people choose the latter, we’ll go with the majority. As in, the bad news is that September is National Self-Improvement month. How can that possibly be bad news, you might ask? Well, if self-improvement came all that naturally, would we really need an entire month to be    reminded of both the need and opportunity?

And now for the good news: September is National Self-Improvement month. As in, seeing how most of us DO need a little reminding from time to time, maybe this is the month you take a step in the right direction toward new or existing goals.

Here are 5 popular and realistic ways to feel better about just being you:

  • Make a date or an appointment. If “apathy” or “procrastination” are your middle name, find one thing that you’ve been putting off way too long and just get it done. It done right now. It could be as simple as changing the oil in your car or finishing the book that’s been on your nightstand since who knows when. Or maybe it’s time you set your reservations aside and finally scheduled that colonoscopy or breast exam.
  • Start that diet. You can’t surf very far on your TV screen without bumping into some program concerning America’s bulging waistline. If you’re carrying a few extra pounds, isn’t it better to pick a diet (with your doctor’s advice and consent, of course) and just go for it instead of waiting for that miracle cure or pill that won’t be coming along anyway?
  • Get up and move. Nothing builds self-esteem like exercise or movement, and it doesn’t have to be painful to be effective. Go for a walk, dance in your living room, have a catch with your son. But do something to get the ol’ heart and your blood circulating.
  • Demand better of yourself. Do you have a tough time saying you’re sorry? Well, it’s never too late to start. Have you reached a point in your job or career where you feel like there’s no point in trying any harder? Even if you’re maxed out salary wise, expanding your skills or knowledge is an achievement unto itself and one that can be applied elsewhere if your present employer doesn’t fully appreciate what you bring to the table.
  • Pick up the phone. Nothing makes some people happier than hearing from family and friends. So if you’re the kind of person who only talks on the phone when they call you, now’s a great time to let a distant family member or fellow grad know you’re thinking about them. The kind of warm reception you’re likely to get could turn this into a very rewarding habit.

If one of those things you’ve been putting off is annual preventative maintenance for your home heating system, then just pick up the phone and call Absolute Air. We’ll get it done in no time so you and your family can look forward to feeling better, indoors, all winter long.

Effective Homework Habits in Rockwall & Terrell, TX

blogWith the first day of school right around the corner, it’s good to have a plan in place to help make sure your kids have more than a fighting chance at making this year truly productive and positive in all regards.

One key ingredient to student success is having a clearly defined homework schedule and study habits. From our house to yours, here are a few time-tested techniques that really work:

  • Establish a routine. Does your child do his or her best work right after school lets out or does an hour or so break refresh their brain cells just enough to make homework time more productive? No time is the right time for every student, so find and stick to the time of day that works best for your child.
  • Designate a homework space. It should be comfortable, well lit, absent of noise and distractions – including cell phones and iPads! – and well-equipped with pencils, pens, calculators, and other helpful homework tools.
  • It’s good to be involved, but not too involved. Caring parents naturally want to help out with homework when asked to do so, and provided they can. Just remember that you’re only really helping them when you guide them toward learning the answers for themselves vs. doing some or all of the work for them.
  • Check their work. The way you check a first grader’s homework is much different than how you might for a tenth grader so, using age appropriate techniques, establish that all assignments are completed correctly, fully, and on time.
  • Are they spending too much time on homework? Extra time spent on homework isn’t always productive. It could mean that your child doesn’t quite get the subject matter or they have a teacher who’s piling it on a little thick. Either way, this might be an occasion to contact the teacher for a fresh perspective on what exactly is going on.

And then there are those students who feel perfectly fine all day at school but sniffle the night away at home. Or scratch their itchy eyes. Or feel all stuffed up and headachy. And nobody can do their best work under those circumstances. So if the problem persists, contact the indoor air quality specialists at Absolute Air, as you and your family might be candidates for some type of remedial action. With a whole-house air filtration system, for example, more than 99% of dust, dirt, and other air pollutants will be trapped as they attempt to pass through the system’s filter. That keeps them out of your home, and out of your lungs.

Mid-Season AC Cleaning & Inspection in Kaufman & Forney, TX

blogIt’s funny the way people think sometimes, especially when it’s straight inside the box.

Remember that very funny scene from Mel Brooks’ Blazing Saddles, the one where the gang of bad guys sends one of their own back for a whole “messload” of dimes, even though they easily could of sidestepped the toll booth – you know, the one the good guys placed in their path to slow them down?

That’s the kind of “in the box” thinking we’re talking about.

Well, it’s the same kind of thinking we encounter sometimes in our business. As in, for instance, when a homeowner misses their spring air conditioning cleaning and inspection, and decides that there’s no point in re-scheduling until the following spring.

Well, for starters, who in the wide, wide world of sports ever said spring was the ONLY time for AC cleanings and inspections? Certainly not us!

The fact is, any time’s a good time for preventative maintenance during the AC season. You see, by making sure professional service is provided every year without fail, you can look forward to:

  • Fewer & less costly repairs
  • Longer system lifespan
  • Lower utility costs
  • Cleaner indoor air
  • Quieter operation

So if spring got by you without professional AC service, now’s a great time to call Absolute Air. Our licensed and trained technicians can help make the rest of your summer that much more enjoyable and worry free.

4 Leading Causes of Summer Allergies in Terrell & Crandall, TX

blogSummer is a great time to enjoy the outdoors. A time for trips to your favorite lake, outdoor entertaining, and relaxing in the warmth of the sun.

But for many, it’s also a time for scratchy throats, watery eyes, and itchy skin, all caused by summer allergens.

You see, spring and fall aren’t the only seasons that wreak havoc on allergy sufferers. Here are some of the most common summertime allergy triggers that might be causing you minor to big-time discomfort.


While trees finish pollinating by late spring, grasses and weeds can trigger allergies throughout the summer months, triggering a runny nose, itchy eyes, and other symptoms. Some of the worst offenders are ragweed, cockleweed, Russian thistle, Bermuda grass, blue grass, and red top.

Dust Mites

Because they thrive in warm, humid temperatures, dust mites peak during the summer months. They nest in mattresses, carpets, and upholstery and can cause sneezing, runny noses, and problems with your breathing.


Mold, both indoor and outdoor, can trigger allergic reactions and exacerbate asthma symptoms. Certain types of outdoor mold, like Alternaria, tend to peak in late summer and fall, while warmer temps and increased humidity provide the ideal environment for indoor mold growth.

Stings and Bites

Getting stung by a bee or bitten by a pesky mosquito is no fun for anyone. But for some, it’s downright dangerous. Bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, mosquitos, and fire ants are just some of the culprits to look out for this and every summer.

If the symptoms are serious enough, you’ll want to see your doctor for fast and effective treatment. Short of that , there are a number of things you can do to lessen the impact of summer allergens, including the following:

  • Wear a surgical mask while cutting your lawn.
  • If you have your lawn cut for you, make sure all windows and doors are closed while it’s being tended to.
  • Get your family in the habit of taking their shoes off as soon as they enter your house and leave them by the entrance way. That will prevent pollen, ragweed, pesticides, etc., from being dragged all through your home.
  • Invest in house plants known for their air cleaning ability, such as rubber trees, cacti, ivy, and chlorophytum.

For improved air quality throughout your home, talk to the pros at Absolute Air about such indoor air quality solutions as whole-house air filtration and whole-house humidity control systems. Both of these and other products help prevent and lessen the effects of allergy and asthma symptoms.



Absolute Air has been a leading provider of Air Conditioning & Heating Services in Kaufman County since 2009.

Absolute Air Air Conditioning and Heating, Air Conditioning Contractor, Kaufman, TX
3443 E. HWY 175, KAUFMAN, TX 75142
(972) 932-5373

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