What if we told you we’ve discovered to de-humidify the outdoor air?  Well, even if we did, we’d be lying.  Sorry if we just caused a mild adrenaline rush.lady

And yet, we do have the next best thing to offer you:  a whole-house de-humidifier so you can leave the humidity outdoors and step inside a whole new version of your home.  One with just the right level of relative humidity, one that you can change up or down at will, and all for your added comfort through the dog days of summer.

It does the exact opposite of a whole-house humidifier (which we also service, repair, and install):  it removes excess levels of humidity so you can feel cooler and more comfortable at higher temperature settings.  That, in turn, leads to a nice reduction in AC energy costs.

Here’s what else you can look forward to with reduced indoor humidity levels this summer:

  • No swollen doors, wood floors, or anything else made of wood
  • Tremendous relief for allergy and asthma sufferers
  • Easier-to-manage hair
  • A reduced likelihood of mold and mildew formation
  • Reduced build-up of dust
  • Less chance for rust in corrosion in your home electronics

To find out more about how a whole-house de-humidifier can benefit your home, family, and budget, contact Absolute Air today.


Absolute Air has been a leading provider of Air Conditioning & Heating Services in Kaufman County since 2009.

Absolute Air Air Conditioning and Heating, Air Conditioning Contractor, Kaufman, TX
3443 E. HWY 175, KAUFMAN, TX 75142
(972) 932-5373

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