How to Clean Up Your Indoor Air.

What if someone were to offer you an opportunity to sit indoors and inhale a steady diet ofindoor such airborne particles as smoke byproducts, formaldehyde, mold and mildew, radon, pesticides, dust and dust mites, glues and adhesives, carbon monoxide, and a host of other well-known and common indoor air pollutants?

Chances are you’d advise that person to schedule a check-up from the neck up.  But not so fast.  Because what that hypothetical person is suggesting in our little experiment here is something you’re probably doing anyway, and without realizing it.

The fact is that across this great nation of ours, indoor air (on average) is twice as polluted as outdoor air, and up to 100 times more polluted.  As such, indoor air pollution is both a leading cause and aggravator of certain types of allergies, asthma, and other upper respiratory ailments.  What’s a concerned home owner to do?  Well, you can continue to sit around and take, or you can take matters into your own hands to kick those stinkin’ pollutants out on their ears.

Here are a few simply and practical ways how:

  • Wash your bed covers once a week, along with sheets and pillow cases, to keep your dust population to a bare minimum.
  • If you’re prone to dust allergies, purchase plastic covers for your mattress and box spring. Dust and dust mites just love the warm, nurturing atmosphere of unprotected bedding.
  • Not quite the “green thumb” type? You’d be amazed at how easy it is to learn, especially once you realize that certain types of house plants permanently remove bacteria and viruses from the air.  This impressive list of natural air cleaners includes:  Aloe, Spider plants, Gerber daisies, Weeping Fig, and many others.
  • Leave your shoes – along with all the bad stuff on their soles – at the door. That will prevent you from traipsing dirt and pollutants like pesticides and pollen all over your house.
  • Swap out your vacuum cleaner for one with a HEPA filter that traps dust, dirt, and other particles vs. releasing them back into the air.
  • Don’t let anyone smoke inside your house – PERIOD!
  • Start using green cleaning products made from all-natural ingredients.

For more far-reaching results, contact Absolute Air and ask about our indoor air quality solutions, starting with a whole-house air purifier that removes more than 99% of airborne particles during AC or heating system operation.  We can install one inside your ductwork where the system’s filter will trip the particles before they can ever make their way into your living spaces.

Why not make today the day you declare:  “No more poor indoor air quality for me!”



How to Reduce High Indoor Humidity

If high outdoor humidity seems to be following you indoors, then something is definitely wrong with your AC system. If so, here are two distinct possibilities.

  • You have an over-sized system. Let’s say, for example, that you have a 4 ton AC unit when a 3 ton unit would have been more than adequate. An oversized system will cool your home faster, but also shut itself off faster than a correctly sized system. That, in turn, means longer periods of time without the AC on, and thus higher than comfortable indoor relative humidity.


  • Frozen evaporator coil. When a home AC system is operating efficiently, its evaporator coil – located inside the indoor half of the system – is doing its job by literally cooling off your indoor air. At the same time, it’s removing humidity from your indoor spaces, but that functionality is lost as soon as a coil freezes up.

If you have an older AC system and unbearable indoor humidity, you have a great reason to replace yours with a correctly sized system from Absolute Air. But what if your system is still relatively new and has a bunch of years left in it? Fear not: we have a very workable solution for you, too: a whole-house de-humidifier that we can install to work in conjunction with your AC system to cool and dehumidify your home at the same time. Plus, you can set the unit to generate the relative humidity level at which you feel most comfortable. For most people, that’s between 40% – 50%.

For more information on how to remove excess humidity from your home or any other AC problem at all, contact Absolute Air today.

5 Key Reasons to Clean or Replace Your Furnace Filter.

blogLife is full of instances where, among myriad solutions, the right one is the simplest and easiest to ignore.

Take, for example, when you’re working at your computer and suddenly it’s taking forever to open a new window. You try 20 different solutions when all of a sudden it dawns on you: “Why not just reboot?” You try it, and everything’s back to normal.

The same thing applies to your furnace, as in, there are so many problems that can be solved or, better yet, prevented by taking the simplest step of all: cleaning or replacing the filter.

Read on and learn – we promise you’ll be glad you did:

  • Clean or replace your filter regularly – Rule of thumb, your filter should be cleaned or replaced every 3 months. If you have smokers in your house, you should at least check it more often. If, on the other hand, you have a whole-house air filtration system, you can probably get away with cleaning or replacing it less often.
  • When should I replace vs. clean my filter? If you can’t see light through your filter, you should replace it. Also, if you have the inexpensive cardboard type of filter, you should replace it every time, or replace it with a MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) that is manufactured to last and be cleaned regularly.
  • How exactly should I check my filter? Before checking your filter, make sure the furnace is turned off. Next, locate the service panel which you’ll typically find on the lower front or side. After gently popping off or sliding up the panel door, look for the filter. After removing it, common sense will dictate if cleaning it is enough or if it should be replaced. In any case, do not restart your furnace until you have re-inserted the fully cleaned old or replacement filter.
  • How do I choose one MERV filter over another? The higher the number on a scale from 1 to 12, the better capable it is of filtering out dirt, dust, and other airborne pollutants. Each of these is capable of limiting the efficiency of your furnace AND contributing to unhealthy indoor air quality.
  • Can a clogged filter start a fire? Absolutely, and here’s how. The dirtier the filter, the harder your furnace has to work to push warm air through. Over time, furnace parts can overheat and eventually lead to a fire.
  • What else can I do to prevent a furnace-related fire? To perform as efficiently and safely as possible, your furnace should have plenty of clearance around it between walls and the ceiling. And since internal combustion is taking place to convert oil or gas into warm air, you also should keep paper and any other flammable objects as far away from it as possible.

As complex as it might be, your car is useless without an ignition key. Such a simple device, wouldn’t you agree? When you think about your furnace, it’s equally important to think small first. As in, take good care of that little, inexpensive filter, and your furnace will take much better care of you.

At the same time, let’s say you’ve taken meticulous care of your filter and yet you still have a problem with your furnace. In that case, the solution is just as simple as filter maintenance: pick up the phone now and contact Absolute Air. We are your home heating specialists offering precision furnace troubleshooting and high quality repairs. Plus, with Absolute Air, you’ll receive a guaranteed upfront repair price along with our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. For home heating at its best, contact Absolute Air today.

Ductless Air Systems Provide Cleaner Indoor Air

Before you settle on replacing your central air or heating system for another of its kind, we invite you first to consider a switch to something completely different: a combined ductless heating and cooling system.

Before talking about how a ductless air system can help clean up your indoor air and make your house easier to clean, let’s first remind you of a ductless system’s unique attributes:

  • blogNeeds no ductwork. If you’re still using window air conditioners to cool your home because you don’t have ductwork and your home can’t support them, now you have a clear alternative. That’s because, just as the name suggests, ductless air systems don’t need or employ ductwork to cool or heat your home.
  • A combined heating and cooling system. Imagine that: only one system to maintain for your year-round heating and cooling needs.
  • Fast installation. Since there’s no ductwork to install or reconfigure, ductless systems can be installed on the double. Each outside condensing unit (also called a heat pump) can support up to 5 wall blowers. It’s the latter that deliver conditioned air to your living spaces.
  • Tremendous flexibility. Maybe you don’t need a completely new home comfort system but you’re thinking about turning your porch into a 4-season room and you’re wondering what the best way is to heat and cool it. The best way might just be a ductless air system, the perfect solution for one room, your whole house, or anything in between.

And now let’s get back to how ductless air systems help provide cleaner indoor air. With a ducted, central air conditioning system, it’s not just air flowing through your ducts and into your house. So are umpteen contaminants like bacteria, dust, pesticides, mold spores, and up to 2,000 more. If you want clean indoor air, you have to regularly clean or replace your filters, have your ducts cleaned periodically and, for best results, install and maintain a whole-house air purifier.

And yet life and indoor air cleaning are so much easier with a ductless air system. For starters, there are no ducts to clean. As for the filters, just lift up the grates on your wall units and vacuum them once a month. Plus, ductless systems are equipped with three filters: dust, anti-allergen, deodorizing filters. That’s triple the protection. Plus,

with less dust floating around your house, that means less dust to remove from your floors, furniture, and other sitting objects.

At Absolute Air, we’re pumped up about ductless air technology because we know how well it can serve people like you – people who value more than just comfortable indoor temperatures. For all the facts plus a free in-home quote, contact Absolute Air today.

8 Tips for Your Healthier Home

We all strive to make our homes as healthy and safe as possible. But knowing that, on average, indoor air is 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air can take some of the air out of your sail. But don’t give up just yet. Here are 8 changes you can make today that will help control the pollen, mold, dust, and other contaminants that are trying to invade your home and body.

  1. Mature woman portraitKeep a barrier between you and your bedding. Put zippered dust and dust mite proof cases on your pillows and mattress that prevent even the tiniest of particles from getting through.
  1. Use a HEPA filtered vacuum cleaner. While vacuuming picks up dirt and dust, it can also send those tiny particles back into the air, unless you use a HEPA filter.
  1. Change the vacuum filter. A vacuum filter is only good if it’s clean, so change it every 6 months or so or as soon as it starts showing wear and tear.
  1. Replace your HVAC filters regularly. HVAC filters not only help keep your heating and air systems running efficiently, they help keep pollutants and contaminants out of the air. So replace those filters at least every 3 months.
  1. Ventilate your bathroom properly. First, make sure your bathroom exhaust fan is vented to the outdoors. Then, run it anytime you take a bath or shower to help remove moisture from the room. Leave it running for a few minutes after you’re done, as well.
  1. Keep your gutters clear. Clogged and leaky gutters can allow moisture to enter your home and lead to mold growth and structural damage. Inspect your gutters year round and clean as needed.
  1. Purge textiles in your bedroom and living room. Area rugs, throws, blankets, and upholstered furniture all trap dust and are perfect breeding grounds for dust mites. Keep them to a minimum for a healthier home, and frequently clean the ones you have.
  1. Follow your nose. If an area of your home smells musty, don’t ignore it. Get to the source of the problem to reduce the spread and damage that mold can cause.

Another key to maintaining a healthy home is having your heating and cooling systems professionally cleaned and inspected once a year by the home comfort professionals at Absolute Air. Your filters are part of the inspection process, but so is every other system component – places where dust, dirt, bacteria, mold, mildew and other pollutants frequently gather. We can also help keep your house pollutant free, all year long, by installing a whole-house air purifier. For more information or to request a free in-home consultation, call or click for Absolute Air today.

6 Things to Get Rid of From Your Home

When you think about making home improvements, it’s easy to concentrate more on the things that cost money than those you can probably should be getting rid of. You know, things you may have forgotten you even have, let alone use any more.

So how about it? Do you have enough extra and no-longer-needed stuff you could easily do without while perhaps eliminating a fire hazard or two? Probably, right? Well then, here are 5 such items you can – and should – toss from your home right now.

  1.  Old Magazines and Newspapers – It might be time to admit that you’re just not going to get around to reading all those well-written articles and trying all those delicious-looking recipes. For those that you’re not quite ready to part with, take a picture of the article or recipe, and recycle the actual newspaper or magazine.

Woman in toy room

  1. Rusty Tools and Unused Hardware – Allen wrenches, extra screws, and other odds and ends do nothing but clutter your toolbox (or, for some of us, the junk drawer). Toss those extra parts you no longer need and those tired-looking tools you can no longer use; in the process, you’ll be making minor repairs and DIY projects a little easier to complete.
  1. Plastic and Paper Grocery Bags – We applaud your noble efforts to reuse old shopping bags, but we’re guessing you currently have way more than you could ever use in a lifetime. Keep just enough for those times when you actually need a bag, recycle the rest, and consider getting reusable bags for your shopping trips.
  1. Instruction Manuals – Let’s face it, when a gadget or appliance goes awry, chances are you’ll look for help online as most manufacturer’s now put their manuals on the web. So there’s really no need to hang onto old instructions manuals, especially those for items you no longer own. You can even download manuals for larger appliances or more expensive purchases into a folder in your hard drive where you can access them after a few easy licks.
  1. Plastic Food Containers – Look in any kitchen cabinet in America and you’re sure to find a pile of mismatched plastic food containers and random lids. Create some extra space by pairing up tops with bottoms and recycling the rest.
  1. Unwanted Toys – Yes, we understand that that ninja sword and shield were once junior’s favorite playmates, but junior’s 12 now and hasn’t gone ninja on you in years.   But this time, don’t simply toss or recycle those unwanted but still-in-good-shape toys; instead, bundle or box them and donate them to your favorite charitable organization.

Even if it does still have a place in your life, it’s especially important to relocate (or get rid of) any combustible materials that are too close for comfort to your furnace or water heater. If it’s worth keeping, just find a different place to keep it.


Absolute Air has been a leading provider of Air Conditioning & Heating Services in Kaufman County since 2009.

Absolute Air Air Conditioning and Heating, Air Conditioning Contractor, Kaufman, TX
3443 E. HWY 175, KAUFMAN, TX 75142
(972) 932-5373

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