Heating & Cooling Services in Crandall and Forney

More often than not, people choose a heating or cooling company when they have a problem with one of their systems. In the heat (or chill) of the moment, we tend to focus less on the total scope of a company’s offerings, or more on their ability to fix the problem at hand in the shortest amount of time possible.

We would like to suggest an entirely different way to choose a company for your home heating, cooling, and indoor air quality needs. And it’s called: In advance! As in, don’t wait for a problem to happen before conducting a search, any more than you’d wait until April 14 before looking for someone to prepare your income tax return.

By searching in advance, you can focus more on company’s total capabilities and how they relate to your home, equipment, and indoor comfort needs. You also will have time to check out their reviews, status with the Better Business Bureau, and to ask around among family and friends to see if they’ve ever engaged one or more of the companies you’re considering hiring.

Part of your search should also include picking up the phone and asking to speak with someone in charge. If they have multiple roadblocks set up between you and the person you’re trying to reach, that tells you something about their culture of customer service. If however you get that one special person on the line who not only is happy to speak with you but takes the time to answer all your questions, you’re that much closer to making an informed, confident decision.

Above all, do you really want to choose a heating and cooling company or professional who just does some of the work you might need done, or are you better off hiring a company that does it all? You may not ever need one or more of the services they offer, but if you do, you’ll be spared another potentially long and painstaking search.

Here at Absolute Air, we’re confident you’ll be very pleased with everything you learn about us: what we do, how we interact with our customers, our emphasis on ongoing training and development, and so much more. In fact, we invite you to take a few minutes now to further explore our website and, if you like, call us and ask to speak to one of our home comfort specialists. We’re here to make you feel very comfortable, indeed, and in more ways than one.

Should I Repair or Replace My AC System in Kaufman ?

June is a time for many things: graduations, weddings, family vacations, and air conditioning problems!

We’re at full tilt right now, doing whatever is necessary to help keep customers cool, comfortable, and happy. And yet, the right course of action is not always as clear cut as you might think, especially when an older AC system either shuts down completely or just isn’t operating up to par.

It’s at times like that when we’re most often asked: “Should we repair or replace our system”? Ah, if only we could hand out a rule book that make each such decision easy as pie. But not such book or set of rules exists.

What we can do, however, is offer you some general advice on when the “replace” option usually makes more sense:

  • How old is your system? – If it’s been on active duty for at least 15 straight years then, according to the law of averages, it doesn’t have very much left in the tank. The average lifespan of a central AC system is 15-20 years. That’s the point when it’s a good idea to start thinking about replacing your system even with any repair problems. That way, you get to dictate replacement system timing, and not your aging current system.
  • Does your heart skip a beat when you open your electricity bill? – Don’t you just hate that? Well, here’s something to help cool you off: today’s replacement AC systems are so energy efficient, that the money you’ll save on your electricity bill can pay for the new system in just a few years.
  • How much was that? – Another potentially shocking moment is when you receive an AC system repair estimate. Maybe, for example, you’re thinking $500 or so, tops! But then you look, and look again, and you see it’s about 4 times that amount. Is an old, wearing-down AC system really worth that kind of money? Most of our customers don’t think so.

If you’re at the “repair or replace” threshold, and just aren’t sure which way to step, contact Absolute Air today and we’ll give you our absolute best advice for your home, family, and budget.


How to De-humidify Your Home in Forney and Crandall

What if we told you we’ve discovered to de-humidify the outdoor air?  Well, even if we did, we’d be lying.  Sorry if we just caused a mild adrenaline rush.lady

And yet, we do have the next best thing to offer you:  a whole-house de-humidifier so you can leave the humidity outdoors and step inside a whole new version of your home.  One with just the right level of relative humidity, one that you can change up or down at will, and all for your added comfort through the dog days of summer.

It does the exact opposite of a whole-house humidifier (which we also service, repair, and install):  it removes excess levels of humidity so you can feel cooler and more comfortable at higher temperature settings.  That, in turn, leads to a nice reduction in AC energy costs.

Here’s what else you can look forward to with reduced indoor humidity levels this summer:

  • No swollen doors, wood floors, or anything else made of wood
  • Tremendous relief for allergy and asthma sufferers
  • Easier-to-manage hair
  • A reduced likelihood of mold and mildew formation
  • Reduced build-up of dust
  • Less chance for rust in corrosion in your home electronics

To find out more about how a whole-house de-humidifier can benefit your home, family, and budget, contact Absolute Air today.

How to Celebrate National Family Month in Kaufman and Crandall

These days, it seems like there’s a holiday or observance for everything. For instance, did you know that May is National Egg Month? That’s right, an entire month celebrating the “incredible, edible egg”! May also happens to be National Hamburger Month, which is only fitting since it is also National BBQ Month.

But along with the often silly and fun observances, we also have those that aim to make the world a better place. Like National Family Month.fameats

Celebrated during the five weeks between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, National Family Month encourages families to spend more quality time together, to reconnect, and to recognize the importance of family involvement in shaping the lives of children.

So in honor of Family Month, here are a few simple ways spend more time with the youngest members of your family.

Put a ban on electronics for a week (or even a day). The fewer the distractions, the more present and “in the moment” we can be with our loved ones.

Eat dinner together. Talk about your day, share your plans and achievements. If dinner doesn’t work, aim for breakfast. Just enjoy good food and conversation every chance you get.

Learn something new together. Get everyone out of their comfort level by trying something new. Art classes, yoga, indoor rock climbing, or bird watching – tons of possibilities!

Start a new tradition. Perhaps every Sunday is family dinner day, or the last Friday of the month is pegged for a backyard (or living room) campout.

Cook together. Better yet, try making new dishes from around the world. Get your kids involved with the menu planning, shopping, and prep. The older ones can even be responsible for making the entire meal.

Reach out. Teach your kids the importance of family by staying in touch with yours. In this day and age, distance is no excuse for not keeping in touch with loved ones.

At Absolute Air, we support family togetherness in our own unique way, bringing higher levels of indoor comfort, convenience, and safety to every customer we serve. If we haven’t already, we hope to earn that opportunity with your family, as well.

Absolute Air offers quality air conditioning services in forney tx and crandall . We have other indoor air quality solutions, too.  Contact us today for details or to schedule installation.

Toddler Swimming Safety Tips in Rockwall and Terrell

blogNow that summer’s around the corner a lot of good-intentioned parents are getting ready to plop their toddlers into the pool expecting a “drown proofed” child in return.

If you’re one of them, first of all, congratulations on wanting to introduce your little one to swimming at an early age, but secondly, it may be time to back off just a wee bit, especially when considering what the American Association of Pediatrics has to say. They recommend that parents hold off on formal swimming lessons until after their child’s fourth birthday. According to the AAP, that’s the age when children become developmentally able to learn the skills needed to stay afloat.

Still, don’t let that stop you from at least introducing your little one to the water, having fun, and staying cool this summer. There are plenty of programs out there that focus on games and safety, all designed to help make you and your child more comfortable around the water.

Taking your baby in for a dip? Here are some tips to help keep them safe:

  • Keep your baby in your arms , and in your sight at all times.
  • Never “dunk” your small child under water. Even little children, especially, those under three years old, can swallow a large amount of water – and this can be fatal.
  • If you have a pool, be sure it has at least a four-foot fence on all sides. Also install a self-closing, self-latching gate that’s positioned out of your child’s reach.
  • Beware of all water hazards, including inflatable baby pools, buckets, toilets, and tubs — an infant can drown in as little as an inch of water in less than 30 seconds.
  • Keep rescue equipment handy. A plastic ring buoy, a pole, a first-aid kit, and a portable phone should be close by at all times.

Lastly, get in touch with your local Red Cross, YMCA or community organizations for more information on programs that properly introduce your toddler to the water.

How to Prepare for Your First Family Pet in Forney

blogWhile bringing a pet into your home can be an important and fabulously rewarding part of family life, it’s also serious business.

Even for those who don’t have primary care responsibilities, it’s still a huge responsibility for the entire family. Especially when you consider that, depending on the type of pet you select, it can be with you for up to ten and even 20 years. And that’s what you initially need to focus on, especially during the pet selection process, because that’s where emotions usually reign supreme. And if you’ve ever taken your kids to a petting zoo before – let alone a per store – you know exactly what we mean.

Ultimately, it comes down to this: pets are far easier to love and play with than take care of. And that’s really important to keep in mind while you go through the process of deciding whether or not yours can be a pet-friendly household. Here are a few specifics to help you along:

  • Are you and your child comfortable around animals? Some adults and many children find they are not.
  • Do you have adequate room for a pet – both indoors and out? Keep in mind pets – especially dogs – don’t stay tiny forever. They will eventually occupy and require more space, perhaps even their own.
  • Do we have adequate time for a pet? (This is a big one!) All pets require time and attention. In your heart of hearts, it’s vitally important to be fair to your pet, and to yourself. Answer honestly, “Can we as a family devote the necessary time a pet deserves?”
  • Can we afford a pet? If you don’t think pets are like family members, wait until you see how much it can cost to keep one, especially when you factor in vet care. Do the math before casting your final vote.
  • Is everyone committed to the responsibility? It may not take a village to raise a pet, but typically it takes more than one devoted care giver. So don’t wait until you have the pet before asking for volunteers for specific responsibilities – ideally, that should be decided well in advance.

When all is said and done, raising a pet truly is a labor of love. Just keep in mind that there’s plenty of both to be expected – labor AND love – and that one is no good without the other.


Absolute Air has been a leading provider of Air Conditioning & Heating Services in Kaufman County since 2009.

Absolute Air Air Conditioning and Heating, Air Conditioning Contractor, Kaufman, TX
3443 E. HWY 175, KAUFMAN, TX 75142
(972) 932-5373

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