Choose a Ductless Air System for your Terrell or Forney, TX Home

abThere is a time and a place for everything.

Well, maybe not everything, but certainly ductless air systems.  Here at Absolute Air, we can’t speak to the time, as that’s pretty much to you.  But we can tell you this much:  ductless air systems are great to have all year long, so pretty much any time is a good time to install them.

What we can speak to with some authority, however, is the place for ductless air systems.  That’s because there are several:

  • Any home that doesn’t have or can’t have ductwork installed, in either all or part of the home
  • New room additions
  • Attic make-overs
  • Or any other place in your home where you would like added indoor comfort without having to overtax you’re already over-taxed home heating and/or cooling systems

Even though they took a little longer to catch on here, ductless air systems first started catching on in Japan and Europe in the 1980s.  In the U.S., they were first used to compliment an existing whole-house comfort system.  More and more, ductless air systems themselves are being installed to provide whole-house heating and cooling.

Here’s why:

  • No ductwork needed.  Instead, outside condensing units are connected to wall-mounted blowers that efficiently distribute the air in your home.
  • Highly energy efficient.  Ductless systems are often more energy efficient than traditional central AC systems, especially since there’s no ductwork that can spring a leak, for example, and cause cooled air to escape into the attic.
  • Easier to maintain.  Ductless air systems have fewer working parts, thus cutting down on system maintenance time.
  • Flexibility of use.  They can be used in both residential and commercial buildings.
  • Design flexibility, too.  Remember, you can have a ductless air system designed for one room, your whole house, or any amount of space in between.

Is ductless air right for you?  Contact Absolute Air today for air conditioning Forney TX or  Furnace Repair in Forney, and we’ll be glad to help you decide on the best way to heat and cool your home.  In the process, we’ll tell you more about how ductless air works, and how it might just work best for you.

Air Conditioner Noises, and What They Mean in Crandall & Rockwall, TX

airIn a perfect world, your central air conditioning system would behave so perfectly, you can’t see or hear them, but simply enjoy the cool air everywhere you venture inside the comforting environs of your home.

That’s in a perfect world.  In reality, air conditioning systems eventually begin showing signs of wear and tear, and some of these signs are not quite music to your ears.  In fact, they’re downright unpleasant noises.

Of course, if noise were the only problem, most people could probably learn to live with it.  But noises are symptoms, and not the problems themselves.  So let’s have a look at the more common sounds that emanate from home AC systems, and what they probably mean.

Air Handler Noises (the air handler is the indoor component of your system)

  • Buzzing – probably indicating faltering electrical components.
  • Hissing – usually caused by a leak in a refrigerant line.
  • Clicking – may be caused by a faulty thermostat which, in turn, is causing relays to switch on and off.  Clicking sounds also stem from an obstructed fan blade.

Condenser Noises (the condenser is the outdoor component of your system)

  • Hissing (or bubbling) – there goes the refrigerant leaking again.
  • Buzzing – most often the result of problem with the motor, such as a bad electrical connection.
  • A loud and abrupt bang – hmm, this could be coming from a faulty mount that’s allowing the motor to move around and go bump in the (day or) night.  Banging noises can also originate inside your ductwork.
  • Humming – is usually associated with a motor that wants to turn on, but can’t quite make it.
  • Screaming – this comes from a build-up of internal pressure and requires that you immediately shut your system off for your own safety.

What’s the cure for a noisy air conditioner?  Actually, it’s the exact same cure for just about anything else that can wrong with your system, and that’s annual preventative maintenance from Absolute Air.  If it’s been a year or more since the last time your system was cleaned and inspected, we invite you to contact us today to schedule service for air conditioner installation in crandall.  Same goes if the noises are already there.  Give us a call for air conditioning  services at crandall TX, we’ll figure out exactly what’s going on, and then give you a guaranteed upfront quote to fix it, and fix it right.

How to Cool Your Home for Less Money in Forney & Crandall, TX

So, you were all set to install a ceiling fan or two thinking that would improve your family’s summertime indoor comfort while saving you some money on your monthly electrical bill.  But you neighbor stopped by and “spoiled the party” by telling you the added cost to run the fan would more than offset whatever you might save from the fan circulating the cool air for greater distribution.

Which begs the question:  is your neighbor an HVAC professional, or did he or she just stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?  Clearly the latter, because ceiling fans cost very little to run and will make you feel about 3 to 8 degrees cooler.

For even greater energy savings, just turn the fan off when you leave the room, because as soon as you turn it back on, it will very quickly start pushing the warm air all the way down so you’ll instantly feel cooler with no wasted electricity.

Still, let’s not be too hard on your neighbor:  after all, they were only trying to help.

Here are a few other ways to help cool your home for less from the real HVAC professionals at Absolute Air in Kaufman.

Are your doors and windows well sealed? 
You’re paying a premium for all that cool air, so the last thing you want is to let it escape through gaps around your doors and windows.  Check all your current weather stripping and caulking for gaps, leaks, and other signs of wear and tear and fix whatever might not be up to par.

Pull those shades and blinds!
You may love looking at the sun, but unblocked direct sunlight will heat up any part of your home by up to 20 degrees.  And you think your AC system takes a beating now?  Give it some extra rest and draw those shades and blinds at least until the sun has moved to another part of your home.

Cover your window with film. 
Once considered more of a decorative novelty than anything else – at least in homes – window film is becoming an increasingly popular choice with Dallas area home owners.  That’s because it reduces the amount of heat generated by direct sunlight by up to 60% and blocks more than 99% of the sun’s harmful UV rays.  Certain types of film also provide added protection against burglars as they prevent glass from breaking possibily injuring a member of your family.

Wait until dark!
On those oppressively hot and sticky summer days, why do chores during the day that can just as easily wait until after the sun sets.  You’ll generate less heat that way and need less conditioned air to keep your house cool, and you along with it.

we invite you to contact us today to schedule service for air conditioning services in Forney TX .  Same goes if the noises are already there.  Give us a call for  air conditioning  services in crandall TX, we’ll figure out exactly what’s going on, and then give you a guaranteed upfront quote to fix it, and fix it right.

AC System Maintenance in Rockwall & Crandall, TX

A lot of folks here in Rockwall, Crandall, and other East Dallas communities thought this past winter would never end.

Some of us here at Absolute Air are among them.  And while they say all good things must pass?  Same goes for winter, allowing a good thing to take its place.  You remember, it’s called “spring”!air

Well now that it’s finally here, people are running around to greet it in typical fashion, doing everything from major spring cleaning projects, setting up the backyard furniture, fertilizing the lawn, and all the rest.  While you’re at it, you most certainly don’t want to forget the importance of having your air conditioning system professionally cleaned and inspected.  Especially the way  we do things here at Absolute Air.

You see, your air conditioning system has a very important job to do in keeping your family cool and comfortable all summer long.  Some families need AC for medical reasons.  And in every case, your system can also help provide you with cleaner indoor air, and that’s health plus for everyone concerned.

When you come right down to it, an annual AC cleaning, tune-up, and inspection provides the following major benefits:

  • Fewer repairs
  • Lower cost of repairs
  • Extended system lifespan
  • Cleaner indoor air
  • More consistent temperatures from one room to the other
  • Lower energy costs
  • Added safety

Why have this service performed in the spring?  Because should one of our if HVAC technicians identity a repair need, taking care of it now will help ensure uninterrupted service later on.

Call us now or anytime soon to schedule service for your air conditioning system, and with it you’ll enjoy added comfort and convenience all cooling season long.

How to Compare SEER Ratings When Looking for …

absoluteYou hear and see the term all the time:  SEER.

And you know at least this much:  that it has something to do with the efficiency ratings of air conditioning systems.  But you may not know is that also has to do with how cleanly a system operates, and thus the environmental impact you can expect it to make.

So, a little back-to-basics for starters:  SEER stands for Season Energy Efficiency Ratio.  And that’s the amount of cooling that an AC system delivers per watt of electricity to operate.  Therefore, the higher the SEER rating, the less electricity that’s consumed. At the same time, the higher the SEER rating, the more you’re likely to pay for the system, all other things being equal.

If you’re looking to buy a new system this year and wondering what the payback period is for a system with a higher SEER rating, there are a number of online calculators you can use for that purpose.

If, for example, you were to replace your old 10-SEER system with a new 13 SEER  model, you can expect to save about $750 in electricity over the next ten years, or about $1,220 if you were to purchase a 16 SEER model.  So, if the price differential between the two systems is around $500 or less, it’s a good investment to purchase the more efficient system.

But there’s another very compelling reason to purchase a higher rated system and why today’s minimum SEER rating is 13, and that has to do with the amount of carbon dioxide emissions.  As you would expect, the higher the SEER rating, the fewer the emissions.

At Absolute Air, we understand that an air conditioning system is not only a big purchase, but can be a confusing one, as well.  We’re here to guide you through every step of the process and make it as simple and rewarding as possible.  Contact us today to schedule a FREE in-home consultation and proposal.

Air Conditioning Problems in Terrell & Forney

Is your air conditioning system not quite doing the job you expect of it here in Terrell & ForneyForney?  As in, it’s working, but delivering the kind of cool, comfortable temperatures it used to, or at least not without a soaring electrical bill.  There are several things that could be causing it to under-perform, and many of them are relatively simple fixes:  those that won’t require you to purchase a brand new AC system.

For an accurate diagnosis air conditioning forney tx, you’re going to need the services of your local HVAC professional.  And these are a few of the things he’s going to look at first:

  1. Too little or too much refrigerant. When the refrigerant in your AC system isn’t balanced correctly, it won’t cool near as efficiently. Refrigerant is a vital component to your system’s ability to produce cold air. An experienced technician can easily fix the problem by adding or removing refrigerant and balancing the system.
  2. The wrong filter. If your AC seems to be running frequently or “working hard” to keep your home cool, it could be a filter problem. First, a dirty filter will block air flow into the system, so filters should be cleaned or changed monthly, as needed. Second, a filter that is too thick also can block air flow.
  3. Leaky ductwork. One major cause of air conditioner inefficiency is leaking ducts. The ductwork in your home should be airtight so that the cold air your AC produces can be distributed in the right areas of your home. If your ductwork has cracks or gaps in the attic or crawlspace, then cool air is being lost. Having your ducts inspected and repaired could result in a small expense with a huge up side.
  4. Frozen inside coil. Restricted air flow can cause the coil inside your air handler to freeze.  When that happens, no more cool air.  If you discover the problem on your own, run the system’s fan only for about four hours, allowing the ice to melt.  If that doesn’t work, then you’re going to need professional assistance.
  5. Too few return ducts. Most of the time, air conditioners are equipped with one main return which is responsible for pulling and venting the warm air from the entire house. So, if you notice that certain rooms are warmer than others, the solution could be as simple as adding an additional return or two.

When all is said and done, all you want is an air conditioning system you don’t have to worry about.  So, for your added peace of mind, contact Absolute Air today to request our AC system tune-up and inspection.  We’ll thoroughly check both the inside and outside components to help your system run better, last longer, and with fewer repairs.  We look forward to your call for AC repair in Forney Texas.

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Absolute Air has been a leading provider of Air Conditioning & Heating Services in Kaufman County since 2009.

Absolute Air Air Conditioning and Heating, Air Conditioning Contractor, Kaufman, TX
3443 E. HWY 175, KAUFMAN, TX 75142
(972) 932-5373

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