Properly Sizing Your New AC System

blogToday’s high-efficiency air conditioners use about 30% to 50% less energy than made about two decades ago. As such, you could cut your energy costs by up to 40% by replacing your older system now.

Still, the efficiency of the “box” itself is just part of the energy saving story.  To save all you can, your system needs to be properly sized.  One measure of system size is the amount British Thermal Units (BTUs) of heat a system can remove per hour. Another common rating term for air conditioning size is “ton,” with one ton equal to 12,000 BTUs per hour.

Before Absolute Air recommends the right size for your new or replacement AC system, we first take into account:

  • The size of your home and the number of windows.
  • The amount of shade that falls on your home’s windows, walls, and roof
  • The amount and placement of insulation.
  • How much air is leaking in or out of your home, and from where.
  • How much heat is generated by the occupants and other appliances on a normal day.

Why is it so important to recommend and install exactly the right size system?  Because anything smaller or larger than “right” will incur needless added wear and tear and not provide you with the maximum return on your investment.

To learn more or request a free in-home consultation and new AC system proposal, contact Absolute Air today.  We’re here to make sure you get your money’s worth, and then some.

Why You Should Clean Your AC Filter.

blogDo you turn the thermostat up to 76 or even higher during those summer days when no one’s going to be home?  Lots of people do to cut down on their air conditioning energy costs.  But the second you get home, especially on a hot, humid day, chances are you make a mad dash to the thermostat to cool things off for a nice relaxing evening.

But what happens when a thermostat setting no longer delivers an indoor temperature of the same number?  Do you just shrug your shoulders and lower the thermostat a little more?  If so, we’d like to suggest doing one other thing so perhaps you won’t have to adjust the thermostat and incur more energy expense.  And that is:  check and be prepared to clean your AC filter.  begun.

The dirtier it gets, the harder your AC system has to work to reach the desired temperature.  Not only does that cause your energy bill to spike, it also means greater system wear and tear and, if left unattended for lengthy periods of time, a shorter system lifespan.  Plus, at least some of the dirt, bacteria, and other pollutants attached to your filter get blown by the system’s fan into your ductwork and eventually your living spaces and lungs.  And these are the airborne pollutants known to cause and/or aggravate allergies, asthma, and other upper respiratory problems.

At Absolute Air, we recommend following the instructions on your filter’s package for how and how frequently to check and clean your filter.  If you don’t have such a package handy and you’re committed to proper AC system maintenance, then plan to start checking the filter every 60 days and then clean or replace it as you deem appropriate.

For even greater airflow distribution along with cleaner air and more energy efficient system operation, be sure to have your heating and cooling systems professionally cleaned and inspected once a year each by the home comfort professionals at Absolute Air.  In the process, we do much more than check and clean or replace your filters.  We follow a multi-step process that leads to overall improved system performance plus greater safety for your home and family.

Has it been a year or longer since your last AC or furnace inspection?  If so, contact Absolute Air today to get the quality of service every family deserves.

How to Reduce High Indoor Humidity

If high outdoor humidity seems to be following you indoors, then something is definitely wrong with your AC system. If so, here are two distinct possibilities.

  • You have an over-sized system. Let’s say, for example, that you have a 4 ton AC unit when a 3 ton unit would have been more than adequate. An oversized system will cool your home faster, but also shut itself off faster than a correctly sized system. That, in turn, means longer periods of time without the AC on, and thus higher than comfortable indoor relative humidity.


  • Frozen evaporator coil. When a home AC system is operating efficiently, its evaporator coil – located inside the indoor half of the system – is doing its job by literally cooling off your indoor air. At the same time, it’s removing humidity from your indoor spaces, but that functionality is lost as soon as a coil freezes up.

If you have an older AC system and unbearable indoor humidity, you have a great reason to replace yours with a correctly sized system from Absolute Air. But what if your system is still relatively new and has a bunch of years left in it? Fear not: we have a very workable solution for you, too: a whole-house de-humidifier that we can install to work in conjunction with your AC system to cool and dehumidify your home at the same time. Plus, you can set the unit to generate the relative humidity level at which you feel most comfortable. For most people, that’s between 40% – 50%.

For more information on how to remove excess humidity from your home or any other AC problem at all, contact Absolute Air today.

Should I Repair or Replace My AC System in Kaufman ?

June is a time for many things: graduations, weddings, family vacations, and air conditioning problems!

We’re at full tilt right now, doing whatever is necessary to help keep customers cool, comfortable, and happy. And yet, the right course of action is not always as clear cut as you might think, especially when an older AC system either shuts down completely or just isn’t operating up to par.

It’s at times like that when we’re most often asked: “Should we repair or replace our system”? Ah, if only we could hand out a rule book that make each such decision easy as pie. But not such book or set of rules exists.

What we can do, however, is offer you some general advice on when the “replace” option usually makes more sense:

  • How old is your system? – If it’s been on active duty for at least 15 straight years then, according to the law of averages, it doesn’t have very much left in the tank. The average lifespan of a central AC system is 15-20 years. That’s the point when it’s a good idea to start thinking about replacing your system even with any repair problems. That way, you get to dictate replacement system timing, and not your aging current system.
  • Does your heart skip a beat when you open your electricity bill? – Don’t you just hate that? Well, here’s something to help cool you off: today’s replacement AC systems are so energy efficient, that the money you’ll save on your electricity bill can pay for the new system in just a few years.
  • How much was that? – Another potentially shocking moment is when you receive an AC system repair estimate. Maybe, for example, you’re thinking $500 or so, tops! But then you look, and look again, and you see it’s about 4 times that amount. Is an old, wearing-down AC system really worth that kind of money? Most of our customers don’t think so.

If you’re at the “repair or replace” threshold, and just aren’t sure which way to step, contact Absolute Air today and we’ll give you our absolute best advice for your home, family, and budget.


Replacement Air Conditioning System in Rockwall and Terrell

Okay, so this is year you take the big step, and replace your aging AC system that barely wheezed and sputtered its way through last year’s intense heat.

And yet, it’s been roughly 15 years since you bought the last one, and now you feel a little out of touch and aren’t quite sure where to begin.

First and foremost, you want to team up with a professional AC company you feel absolutely comfortable with and one that brings at least this much to the table:

  • blogProven experience and capabilities
  • A history of customer satisfaction
  • Design and installation capabilities
  • Offers you multiple new system options so you can compare features, benefits, and costs
  • Services and repairs what they sell
  • Has all the requisite licenses and insurance coverages
  • Provides service where you live

That’s 90% of the battle right there. Still, by doing a little advance homework, you’re bound to ask better questions and make better decisions, and here’s a good starting point:

  • You don’t want an over-sized or under-sized system, which is why pre-installation design prowess and experience are so important. A right-sized system will last longer and help keep your energy costs to a minimum.
  • You should also ask your contractor about upgrading to a variable speed system to save even more money on your energy bills.       A system with a variable speed fan runs continuously, thus eliminating frequent and costly on-and-off cycling that you probably experience now with your single-speed system.
  • If you or any family members suffer from allergies, asthma, or other respiratory ailments, your contractor needs to know that so they can recommend more or more clean air add-ons to your system, including a whole-house air purifier and a whole-house humidity control system.
  • This may seem like a small point, but you can’t believe how big and important it can potentially be: ideally, you want a system with a “check filter” light to remind you that it’s time to clean or replace your filter. If you follow your system’s advice, you’ll be doing good things for the quality of your indoor air, the overall health of your AC system and, once again, helping to keep your AC-related energy costs to a minimum.

Here in Rockwall, Terrell, and throughout the East Dallas area, Absolute Air is a contractor more and more home owners rely on for great advice, great service, and straight answers to all their questions. Starting today, you can do the same, and all you have to do is call to get the process started.

Mid-Season AC Cleaning & Inspection in Kaufman & Forney, TX

blogIt’s funny the way people think sometimes, especially when it’s straight inside the box.

Remember that very funny scene from Mel Brooks’ Blazing Saddles, the one where the gang of bad guys sends one of their own back for a whole “messload” of dimes, even though they easily could of sidestepped the toll booth – you know, the one the good guys placed in their path to slow them down?

That’s the kind of “in the box” thinking we’re talking about.

Well, it’s the same kind of thinking we encounter sometimes in our business. As in, for instance, when a homeowner misses their spring air conditioning cleaning and inspection, and decides that there’s no point in re-scheduling until the following spring.

Well, for starters, who in the wide, wide world of sports ever said spring was the ONLY time for AC cleanings and inspections? Certainly not us!

The fact is, any time’s a good time for preventative maintenance during the AC season. You see, by making sure professional service is provided every year without fail, you can look forward to:

  • Fewer & less costly repairs
  • Longer system lifespan
  • Lower utility costs
  • Cleaner indoor air
  • Quieter operation

So if spring got by you without professional AC service, now’s a great time to call Absolute Air. Our licensed and trained technicians can help make the rest of your summer that much more enjoyable and worry free.


Absolute Air has been a leading provider of Air Conditioning & Heating Services in Kaufman County since 2009.

Absolute Air Air Conditioning and Heating, Air Conditioning Contractor, Kaufman, TX
3443 E. HWY 175, KAUFMAN, TX 75142
(972) 932-5373

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